hye all..
Alhamdulillah masih d beri peluang utk bernafas d bumi bertuah ini.. hopefully kite semua d kurniakan dgn kesihatan yg baek dan sempurna dan sntiasa d bawah rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah.. inshaaAllah.. :)
24 December 2013 kul 3 pagi baru smpai rumah.. tp siang nyer dh keluar balik.. dh alang2 x kije kan hari nie, so ape lagi.. p jenjalan la.. sambil celebrate my bufday today.. hehehehe..
Destinasi yg d tuju mulanya nak ke Mid Valley but then encik Bf baru bgn masa ku dh dlm tren, so decide utk ke area2 yg berdekatan dgn encik Bf.. destinasi cinta yg d tuju adalah shopping mall area Setapak.. *sgt dekat dgn encik Bf nyer site*
masa smpai tu, trus decide nak buat ape.. plan awal nak tgk movie.. so search ape cite yg menarik utk d tonton sblm mbuat keputusan utk tgk cite 47 Ronin.. *tp tiket xnk beli dl.. lepas makan baru nak beli even that that dh almost 6 cam g2..*
so, ke Baskin-Robbins, he treats me ice-creams since aku asyk dok ckp nak makan ice-cream.. nak makan ice-cream.. hehehehe.. tp yg paling best nyer kat Baskin-Robbins nie, kite buleh rasa dl perisa ice-cream yg kite nak tu best ke dak.. if x best, still ade chance utk tukar.. so encik Bf paling banyak request perisa ice-cream itu ini.. aku?? hehehehe.. just tumpang sekaki jew la..
at the end, ice-cream pilihan Caramel Choc Waffle dgn pilihan ice-cream perisa Chocolate Mousse Royale dgn Hokey Pokey.. *tu jew, dh nak dekat RM20 kot.. adoiii..*
after that, encik Bf tny nak makan ape.. sbb so take time tuk makan ice-cream.. n menyebabkan x sempat if nak tgk movie.. d sbbkan dh terlambat n x sempat, he ask me, "nak makan ape? sy belanja.." since he said wanna to treat me, so aku pown ckp la x kisah nak makan ape2 pown.. *sbb xdok idea nak makan ape actually*.. at the end, he decide nak makan kat mana sbb ku kate nak makan Mekdi or KFC jew.. hahahaha..
so, he choose to treat me for my Birthday at Kenny Rogers Roasters..
masa smpai tu, trus decide nak buat ape.. plan awal nak tgk movie.. so search ape cite yg menarik utk d tonton sblm mbuat keputusan utk tgk cite 47 Ronin.. *tp tiket xnk beli dl.. lepas makan baru nak beli even that that dh almost 6 cam g2..*
so, ke Baskin-Robbins, he treats me ice-creams since aku asyk dok ckp nak makan ice-cream.. nak makan ice-cream.. hehehehe.. tp yg paling best nyer kat Baskin-Robbins nie, kite buleh rasa dl perisa ice-cream yg kite nak tu best ke dak.. if x best, still ade chance utk tukar.. so encik Bf paling banyak request perisa ice-cream itu ini.. aku?? hehehehe.. just tumpang sekaki jew la..
at the end, ice-cream pilihan Caramel Choc Waffle dgn pilihan ice-cream perisa Chocolate Mousse Royale dgn Hokey Pokey.. *tu jew, dh nak dekat RM20 kot.. adoiii..*
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since forgot to capture the pic, so search in google jew la pic ice-cream pilihan nie.. wlpun x same tp buleh la.. mirip2.. hehehehe.. |
so, he choose to treat me for my Birthday at Kenny Rogers Roasters..
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my choice.. |
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our choice.. |
Alhamdulillah, after kekenyangan, kami nak ke Uptown Danau Kota pula.. but sadly, uptown x beroperasi daa hr 2.. so, just decide utk balik ke rumah sbb masa pown makin cemburui kami.. encik Bf drop me at KL Sentral before encik Bf balik ke Shah Alam..
p/s: really thanks to encik Bf sbb treat me during my birthday.. tahun ke 2 lebih ckit bersama but 1st time celeb together.. b4 this just give me a present.. really appreciate it encik Bf.. :)
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